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Safety Marking Tape Photoluminescent

  • Product Details
  • Additional Information

Safety Marking Tape Photoluminescent is used to show contours in spaces. The outlines of (emergency) exits, obstacles and areas to be kept clear or for example, fire extinguishers can be marked with luminous Safety Marking Tapes.

The Safety Marking Tapes Photolimuniescent complies with the IMO & SOLAS regulations, have a strong adhesive layer and are suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications/usage.

Technical data

Elongation 24%
Weight: 300 g – 40 mm / 600 g – 80 mm
Thickness: 0,175 mm
Tensile strength: Approx. 5 kg

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• The product complies with IMO A752(18) and ISO 15370 which include ships and marine technology / low location lighting on passenger ships arrangements.

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